Friday, April 29, 2011

ADV RIDER thread

Hey, I started a thread on ADV Rider today
hoping to connect with other rally people who will be riding in the race in 2012 and light a fire under me and keep it hot.  Would love to meet people in the Southern New Mexico/West Texas area who have riden in sand dunes... I could use a coach!

Blowing hot wind in Las Cruces today.  Going to go riding tomorrow and make a movie.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

First DAKAR Route - Algeria!

 1979.  The original DAKAR route through Algeria.
I Absolutely LOVE this photo of THIERRY SABINE.  He is L'Homme du Dakar, the man who started it all.
Looking stylish and sexy.  Bonne route!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BAD COFFEE at the Library 1 am FINALS WEEK

It's hard to believe, this is my homework!  Isn't that the coolest.
Chas. my husband is in nursing school, studying difficult stuff like how to do an IV or give a shot, and as he said the other day
'You're baking cakes and making movies!'   

Check out this place that Annie Seel mentioned on her blog today
- riding off road in TUSCANY, wouldn't that be cool!  The sound of motorcycles, the smell of pasta!

Gotta write a paper, about this blog! 

A bientot - NATASHA




Monday, April 25, 2011

Natasha's Race to DAKAR ... finally!

In 1997 my dream of riding a motorcycle in the Paris-Dakar Rally was born.  

14 years of thinking, planning, writing lists, feeling the fear, wondering how I would do it, pay for it, survive it.  Procrastinating. Getting a dirt bike. Doing other stuff. Dirt bike getting stolen. Getting married. Living in a shack, getting a new dirt bike and on and on, until NOW.

Visions of following in the footsteps of sexy French riders like Hubert Auriol filled my head - with inspiration from women moto racers like Patsy Quick and Annie Seel, Tina Meier, Tamsin Jones and Jenny Morgan.

Then, on the eve of the 2008 race, a terrorist threat cancelled the event.  World wide, rally fans were devastated, wondering if the rally and it's epic history would continue?

By 2009 the rally had moved from Africa to South America - launching a new era of Dakar history on a new continent.

South America???

My dream is to ride in the spacious deserts of AFRICA, sand dunes in Morocco, palm trees and exotic Islamic architecture.  

Heroes Legend is the answer for me!  Not only is it IN AFRICA, it is ALOT less expensive and dangerous!
I may actually be able to survive it without being run over by a speeding $100,000.00 rally car driven by a French maniac!  Yeah.

The Heroes Legend follows the classic route of the original Dakar,starting at the base of the Eiffel tower in PAris and ending two weeks later at Lac Rose in Dakar, Senegal.  

Not the Dakar, but like the Dakar, on the route of the Dakar, finishing in...DAKAR!

Bon, d'accord!